Early Clinical Development in Japan, It's Time to Take a Fresh Look
White Paper
Sep 06, 2021
With improved infrastructure, as well as being the world's second largest market for branded therapies, emerging biopharma of all sizes should be looking to Japan for early clinical development

Historically, there has been a negative perception about the complexity and cost of drug development and market access in Japan and as such, emerging biopharmas (EBPs) do not always consider Japan for early clinical development. However, as the third-largest biopharmaceutical market with strong commercial spending on branded and specialty products, emerging biopharmas cannot afford to miss out on this opportunity.

From population demographics to government incentive programs for key innovative products, Japan is an attractive destination for new drugs and niche therapies. Japan is increasingly driven by efficient regulatory and world-class infrastructure and expertise, creating a more streamlined process and platform for trial approvals and go-to-market activities.

When considering a market entry approach, EBPs can consider a number of outsourcing models, but should look to engage a flexible service provider that has in-depth knowledge of the clinical trial landscape, established networks, access to market data, analytics expertise, as well as the tools and technology to enable success. With the right partner and strategy, Japan is an attractive market for any EBP.

Download this white paper to discover the opportunities and challenges in Japan's biopharmaceutical market and how EBPs can integrate the right strategy for them to conduct clinical trials efficiently and achieve commercialization successfully.

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